Enjoy the perfect fundraiser toolkit! Ressources for matching with funding opportunities USE-IT project editable booklet What is USE-IT? Here is an editable and printable answer to anyone who asks! Edit The perfect funder guidebook A complete overview of the funding process and good practices, with examples from the USE-IT community. Download European funding digest Here is a little digest about European funding opportunities for USE-IT initiatives and others. Download Our videos From the other side: Interviews of European officials to understand their vision of projects. Funding journeys: Follow community members before and after their meetings with authorities. Tutorials: We guide you with our style through different funding steps. Keys against skepticism: Arguments in motion to answer skeptical questions. Examples of continuity: Learn from dinosaurs of USE-IT community to sustain your project. Extra Straight to the tools You know what you need? No time to waste… Access directly our toolkit right here! Enjoy the kit Follow us